Félix Dumaill, the architect of Saigon Banque de l'Indochine

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Félix Dumaill, the architect of Saigon Banque de l'Indochine


Félix Dumaill (1883–1955) was a French architect. He studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts (National School of Fine Arts) in Paris, Phap. In 1913–1914, Félix Dumaill worked with Jean Hébrard and Antonin Trévelas, won the competition to design affordable housing. Then, he worked with Ernest Hébrard (Jean Hébrard's brother) – an urban planner in Indochina – and was responsible for designing Indochina bank buildings in Ha Noi (1923 - 1928), Sai Gon (1924-1929), Can Tho (1926), Nam Đinh (1926). [1]

In addition to a short time participating in the architectural design of colonial Indochina, he mainly worked on low-cost social housing projects and garden cities. Since 1921, he has worked as architect director for the Public Office of cheap housing of the Seine (OPHBMS). He designed the garden city in Pré-Saint-Gervais (1927–1954). Dugny (1930–1954) and Suresnes (1938–1958). And he also designed a group of inexpensive dwellings in Saint-Mandé (1930–1940). [2]


[1] Cite del architecture, Félix Dumaill (14 April 2022)

[2] Portraits d'architectes, Félix Dumaill (14 April 2022)



Bui Hoang Long


Bui Hoang Long, “Félix Dumaill, the architect of Saigon Banque de l'Indochine,” Augustus in Saigon!?, accessed March 4, 2025, https://augustusinsaigon.uni-trier.de/items/show/67.

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