History of sculpture in Vietnam

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History of sculpture in Vietnam


Vietnam has a long tradition in the art of sculpture.
Originally, the tradition of sculpture was born as a way for people to practice their religious beliefs (Phan 1997). Most of the first sculptures were made of stone and terracotta. Nowadays, we can find sculptures everywhere in Vietnam as the practice has been applied widely in a wide range of materials and many other locations outside sacred places.

Phan, Thuong. 1997. Ancient Sculpture of Vietnam. Trans. by Trang Nhung. Hanoi: Fine Arts Publishing House.


Khâu Thanh Lâm


Khâu Thanh Lâm, “History of sculpture in Vietnam,” Augustus in Saigon!?, accessed March 4, 2025, https://augustusinsaigon.uni-trier.de/items/show/155.

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