Apollo's lyre

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Apollo's lyre


Apollo is one of the Twelve Olympian Gods in Greco-Roman culture. He is usually considered to be the God of the Sun, Music, and Prophecy (Gill 2019). The lyre is one of the symbols that is associated with Apollo. The origin of the lyre is associated with the story of Hermes stealing Apollo's cows. When Apollo confronted Hermes with such theft, Hermes compensated the cows with the lyre which he made from tortoise's shell and sheep-gut. Apollo was so intrigued by the beautiful music made by the instrument that he agreed (Hard 2004, 162).

Gill, N.S. 2020. "Symbols of the Greek God Apollo." ThoughtCo. Last modified January 23, 2020 (29 May 2022).
Hard, Robin. 2004. The Routledge Handbook of Greek Mythology. London: Psychology Press.


Nguyễn Đỗ Nguyễn


Nguyễn Đỗ Nguyễn, “Apollo's lyre,” Augustus in Saigon!?, accessed October 23, 2024, https://augustusinsaigon.uni-trier.de/items/show/103.

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