Tonkin 1905 zinc sapeque
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Tonkin 1905 zinc sapeque
A sapeque (roughly translated as "cash coin") is a coin issued by the French for use in Indochina. It is a round coin with a square hole in the middle, usually made by pouring metal into a mold.
On the obverse of this coin is embossed the year 1905 and PROTECTORAT DU TONKIN ("Protectorate of Tonkin"), while the reverse of the coin shows Chinese characters for signifying the value of the coin.
Wikipedia. 2022. "Vietnamese Cash." Last modified April 21, 2022 (8 May 2022).
On the obverse of this coin is embossed the year 1905 and PROTECTORAT DU TONKIN ("Protectorate of Tonkin"), while the reverse of the coin shows Chinese characters for signifying the value of the coin.
Wikipedia. 2022. "Vietnamese Cash." Last modified April 21, 2022 (8 May 2022).
Nguyen Ngoc Lien
Nguyen Ngoc Lien, “Tonkin 1905 zinc sapeque,” Augustus in Saigon!?, accessed March 4, 2025,