Ho Chi Minh Statue vs. Augustus Statue
- Wikipedia, CC BY-NC-ND"data-thumb="https://augustusinsaigon.uni-trier.de/files/thumbnails/4d1a3d14e0c1566123ecb60bc18beb15.jpg" data-download-url="https://augustusinsaigon.uni-trier.de/files/original/4d1a3d14e0c1566123ecb60bc18beb15.jpg" class="media resource">
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Ho Chi Minh Statue vs. Augustus Statue
In its 2015 version, Ho Chi Minh's posture is quite similar to Augustus' statue of Primaporta - the first emperor of the Roman Empire. Specifically, both commanders are depicted in their familiar clothes with the standing pose, reaching out, and looking ahead. However, the styles of the two statues are said to be quite different; while Ho Chi Minh seems friendly, open, and welcoming, Augustus is shown as a stern, determined, and brave commander. In the end, both statues represent the power, presence, and importance of these two characters.
Nguyen Van Trung
Nguyen Van Trung, “Ho Chi Minh Statue vs. Augustus Statue,” Augustus in Saigon!?, accessed March 4, 2025, https://augustusinsaigon.uni-trier.de/items/show/41.