Emblem of Paragon

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Emblem of Paragon


An emblem is a symbol standing for a particular group, organization, building, abstract ideas, etc. This term is believed to have appeared in architecture in the 15th century as emblema; or ἔμβλημα in Greek, meaning "embossed ornament" (Wikipedia) 

Paragon has two emblems, one in a vertical oval shape and one in a horizontal oval shape. The horizontal one consists of three flower branches placed above three large leaves. It is similar to that of Government Seal of Japan. The vertical emblem is more complicated, connected by long lines with volute to the top, where flowers and leaves are embossed symmetrically. 

Wikipedia. 2022. "Emblem." Last modified May 10, 2022 (6 June 2022)


Ha Le


Ha Le, “Emblem of Paragon,” Augustus in Saigon!?, accessed October 23, 2024, https://augustusinsaigon.uni-trier.de/items/show/14.

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